Tuesday 9 June 2009

Vintage bargains!

As I was getting my monthly fix of Vogue yesterday (note:this month's issue is great, if you want something to read, buy it!) and I started to read a piece about vintage clothing and how it tends to only be younger people that wear it nowadays, and whilst it was an interesting article, the pieces they tended to show were of the more expensive variety, the cheapest being £45. Granted they were designer pieces, so it would be amazing to own something like that, but it made me realise how much I enjoy vintage shopping. I love vintage shops and charity shops. People tend to frown on them so much, saying that they're dirty and horrible, but there is such a thing as a washing machine!

Some of my favourite pieces of clothing and accessories are from vintage shops, such as a brown bag, knee length black boots (from Paris) and some amazing shoes that are embroidered with thanksgiving-inspired things such as turkeys, I love them, and what makes them that bit better is that they're so much cheaper than high street stores would charge. And also like the fact that someone owned them before, that may sound a bit weird, but I often wonder where these things have been and where they have come from.

And having been inspired by vintage shopping again, my friend and me visited two while in York today, she got a dress for £15 and I got a skirt for £8, amazing!

x :) x

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