Monday, 24 May 2010

The OC: Summer Roberts

Right, the heart top I was talking about in the last post is the one on the left side in the middle. You can't see much of it but it's red with hearts making a strap.

I know this is going to be controversial, but I much prefer Summer's style than Marissa's, but this could probably be because it is quite similar to mine and what I want mine to be like. I also found a good website for photos which was, so thanks the creator for the photos!

I love sparkly things, so this sparkly shrug was a definite favourite.I like this red spotty dress from one of the episodes, it's simple but works really well.This photo's just good because of the cuteness of the hats and the episode.The coffee cart episode was one of the best ones ever, I also loved the pastel stripy top and how it was dressed up with another sparkly shrug.I'm not a big pick fan, but I love the floatiness of the dress and how summery it is.I loved the wedding dress in the last episode.
x :) x

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