Sunday, 2 May 2010

Does one size really flatter all?

I've been doing some research into the concept of 'one size fits all' recently for my uni work. Basically, one size fits all (in relation to clothing) means that clothing can fit a range of sizes. This means that they can stretch to fit larger sizes or be tied and wrapped to fit a smaller size. I'm really fascinated by this concept, because how handy would it be to walk into a shop and just pick something up you like and not being concerned about the size. You would never have to waste time trying things on, which means you could hit a lot more shops in a shorter amount of time.

However, there's one niggling question in the back of my mind. It's alright saying clothing can fit a range of sizes, but will it flatter? Sizing is difficult with clothing because a range of people may be the same size, but they will have curves in different places and areas that they want to show off or conceal. So is it not virtually impossible to create a garment that can flatter lots of people?

Well, I hope not, because in this new world of shoping all the time online, wouldn't it be handy not to worry about if you're buying the right size clothes and buying presents for people would be so easy!
Maybe I should just keep asking the rheotorical questions, definately need to do more research into this. I shall keep you posted!

x :) x

1 comment:

  1. Wouldn't the problem be if people who are bigger wanted to wear something loose? That can often be more flattering. Can't wait to see what you come up with Loaf!
