Hooray! This week, someone in the fashion world finally made a stand against size zero. Alexandra Shulman, editor of Vogue, wrote letters to major designers such as Prada, Versace and Chanel. She criticised the designers, saying that the sample clothes they made for photo shoots were far too small for even slim models. Also, they were being forced to use models with 'jutting bones with no breasts or hips' and air brushing them 'to make the models appear larger'.
This seemed like a welcome change to me. For years, there has been arguments about size zero, with it getting to extreme cases of models suffering from malnutrition and even losing their lives. There is constant outrage from the general public when, season after season, designers choose the underweight models to walk their catwalks. But it has only ever been from the general public, never anybody so high up in the fashion world. Finally, there is a glimmer of hope.
As someone who is hopefully going to end up working in fashion, it really didn't sit well with me that painfully ill models were being used for catwalks, fashion shows and advertising. I would never want to conform to this ideal and think it is ridiculous that designers actually think this looks good.
But it is just accepted as the norm, quite a few people you speak to in the fashion world don't see anything wrong with size zero. In the past it was never like this, clothes were still designed for slender people but what about icons such as Marilyn Monroe who were curvy, were they automatically not fashionable because they had curves? I think not.
Even though this seems to spark a new season in the fashion world, I have my doubts. The only way something is seriously going to change, is if the desingers do something about it. If a major designer was to start using healthier models, then I believe that we would see a huge change in the fashion world. Until then, I don't see much happening, but hopefully this letter has given the designers something to think about.
x :) x