Sunday, 28 February 2010

Photo a day: day 22

I know I keep going back to this article in Nylon, but if I could walk in heels, I would wear these:
but I would have to have this dress, and look good in both these items, which probably would never happen because I doubt bright yellow and green would suit me!

x :) x

Friday, 26 February 2010

Photo a day: day 21

I'm posting this early because I'm going away for the weekend.This is Claire A Baker's work. I was introduced to her work by my tutor, and I love it, i love the vintage, collage feel of it. Look at more at

x :) x

Photo a day: day 20

I wish I could wear this outfit every day!

x :) x

What looks better?

I have been researching into weight issues within fashion over the past couple of weeks. But which extreme looks better?
Skinny or overweight? Neither are healthy, so why can't we go for some 'normal' figures and start seeing them down the catwalk.

x :) x

Thursday, 25 February 2010

Photo a day: day 19

I love this paragraph from a coke advert. It's above my bed and I read it often.
It says: 'make it the latest trend then abandon it,and start a new one. Make it something that turns heads. Make it you. Make it real. Make it an overheated seing machine at 3am. Make it transform a pile of scrap fabric into a next level handbag.Make it new. Make it sparkle. Make it do the talking for you. Make is somethins that everyone will call a statement, but you'll just call it a random tuesday.'

x :) x

Wednesday, 24 February 2010

Photo a day: day 18

Arrgh, i got distracted with my failure of trying to get my elephant ears to work for tonight, that I didn't post yesterday, sorry!
I did two the day before though, so that should count. I love this picture, although I don't think I'll look as glamorous as this tonight :)

x :) x

Monday, 22 February 2010

Photo a day: day 17

This image popped into my head when I was thinking of writing this blog today:

I love the old fashioned feel of this image. And whilst looking for it, I found this one too, which is equally as amazing.

x :) x

Sunday, 21 February 2010

Photo a day: day 16

I woke up to this scene, this morning:It spoilt my plans for the day, but was definately worth it. Snow day!

x :) x

Saturday, 20 February 2010

Photo a day: day 15

See, I told you at the end of last year this would be big:
Vampire diaries made the front cover of Nylon this month. I know it may be shocking, but I actually enjoy reading Nylon more than Vogue at the moment, Vogue seems a bit repetitive over the past couple of months (don't kill me fashionistery people). And now Nylon has featured a great show, shame the next episode won't be shown until late March, oh how I will miss it!

x :) x

Friday, 19 February 2010

Photo a day: day 14

I'm researching my essay at the moment which is the worst part of essay writing. But I did come across this picture in one of the books taken by Arthur Elgort with Naomi Campbell and Christy Thurlington from 1992. Made me wish for the warm weather of summer to come back, although that means I will be finished with the second year of uni, which is a scary thought!

x :) x

Thursday, 18 February 2010

Photo a day: day 13

I'm going to a circus-themed social next week, and I've been looking at costume ideas. I've decided to go as an elephant and I was researching costumes when I came across this:
How cute is this! Go and look at the other costumes, they're so funny:

x :) x

Wednesday, 17 February 2010

Photo a day: day 12

Well more like a video, but take a screenshot and call it a photo. I didn't get to watch the Brits last night, but my friend told me about this so I had to watch it. Florence and Dizzee Rascal = what a weird but good combination. I went to see both of them, seperately, last year and both were pretty awesome. And look how smart Mr Rascal looks, how cute! 'You've got the love' is an amazing song no matter who sings it.

x :) x

Tuesday, 16 February 2010

Photo a day: day 11

I started making my own hat for a project today. It's meant to be made for Royal Ascot so I had a quick nosy at other hats. I love how elegant this hat looks, even though it is just a plate of fake sandwiches.

x :) x

Monday, 15 February 2010

Photo a day: day 10

I miss these amazing people (and a few extras).

x :) x

Sunday, 14 February 2010

Photo a day: day 9

I saw my two little half-cousins today. They are so cute but so tiring!

x :) x

Saturday, 13 February 2010

Photo a day: day 8

I'm back at home for the weekend, so have access to a lot of old photos. it's amazing, I always was fashionable!

x :) x

Friday, 12 February 2010

Photo a day: day 7

I went to Stockport to visit the Hat Museum today. While the museum wasn't very exciting, I like the sunlight on this photo from a church nearby.

x :) x

Fashiony fashiony fashion

Yay for fashion, sorry the posts haven't been too fashion based recently.

So whilst perusing the usual blogs, I came across Marie Claire's shoot with Anna Paquin. I think I've slightly fallen in love with her! Definately buying this magazine in March just to ponder some more.

This yellowey brown dress is the only look I don't particularly like, but it's kind of growing on me.

I also loved the Alexander McQueen dress she wore to the SAG awards. Such a loss of a great designer, my thoughts go to his family.

x :) x

Thursday, 11 February 2010

Photo a day: day 6

My photos found a new place on my bedroom wall today. It took me 2 hours to move them from my damp wall to a much drier place. But it was definately worth it!

x :) x

p.s there will be more fashiony posts soon, my magazine collection has been building and I plan to work through them this weekend!

Wednesday, 10 February 2010

Photo a day: day 5

A crisp shaped like a heart. This was my highlight after my nightmare project was handed in. My food showed me love today!

x :) x

Tuesday, 9 February 2010

Photo a day: day 4

After a nightmare beginning of the week, I'm looking forward to going home this weekend and seeing my family and of course my cats. Especially Nemo.

x :) x

Monday, 8 February 2010

Photo a day: day 3

I loved reading this in the Metro today. How good would it be to get something like that delivered in your letter box!

x :) x

Sunday, 7 February 2010

Photo a day: day 2

Pablo the bear wears the best hat ever!

x :) x

Saturday, 6 February 2010

Photo a day: day 1

I've decided to set myself a new challenge. Alongside my usual posts, I am going to post a photo a day of something inspirational or good about my day. This'll probably go on for about a month. They could be completely random and nothing to do with fashion, but we'll see how it goes.

So day 1:
I went to see Miike Snow tonight in Sheffield so it's still fresh in my mind. It was amazing! The band reminds me so much of Death Cab for Cutie with a dance beat behind it. If you haven't listened to them, then go do it, I hope you'll love them as much as I do.

x :) x

Friday, 5 February 2010

Are those real feathers?

I've been looking at a LOT of textile manipulation recently, and I was quite inspired by this dress:It is designed by Hakan and worn by Rose Byrne. The decoration is made from material cut by lasers to create 'feathers'. I love the fact that the first time you look at it, it looks like feathers and the complex detail is amazing.

I will aspire to create such beautiful garments!

x :) x